SlotoCash Casion评论

[vc_row css =”。vc_custom_1453217339571 {padding-top:50px!important; padding-bottom:50px!important;}“] [vc_column width =” 2/3”] [vc_single_image image =” 486” img_size =” full”对齐=“居中”样式=“ vc_box_rounded” onclick =“ custom_link” img_link_target =“ _ blank”链接=“”] [/ vc_column] [ vc_column width =“ 1/3”] [vc_custom_heading text =“ SlotoCash Casino” font_container =“ tag:h2 | font_size:36 | text_align:left | color:%23515151 | line_height:1.2” google_fonts =” font_family:Istok%20Web% 3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic | font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”] [vc_column_text]bigstarbigstarbigstarbigstarbigstar业内优秀的 1星2星级3星级4星级5星级 (534 票,平均: 3.99 5出来的)


$ 15000奖金

软件: Microgaming的netentPlaytech的

客户支持: [email protected]
付款方法:  签证电子弯曲-32px签证弯曲,32pxUkash的-弯曲-32px贝宝弯曲,32pxNETELLER-弯曲-32px万事达卡弯曲,32px 和其他…[/ vc_column_text] [vc_btn title =“获得奖励!” style =“ flat” color =“ juicy-pink” align =“ center” css_animation =“ top-to-bottom” link =“ || target:%20_blank ” button_block =“ true”] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row] [vc_row] [vc_column width =” 1/4“] [vc_single_image image =” 491” img_size =” 203×202” style =” vc_box_rounded” onclick =” link_image“] [vc_single_image image =” 492“ img_size =” 203×202“ style =” vc_box_rounded“ onclick =” link_image“] [vc_single_image image =” 493“ img_size =” 203×202“ style =” vc_box_rounded“ onclick =” link_image”] [/ vc_column] [vc_column width =” 3/4”] [vc_column_text]


SlotoCash is an online 赌场 that was launched in 2007. It is operated by Deck Media, one of the most reputable online casino groups in the world. The casino is licensed by the government of Curacao in the Netherlands Antilles. SlotoCash uses the world-famous RTG software brand for its 游戏. To give online gamblers a secure playing experience, the casino uses 128-bit SSL encryption. As part of its commitment to fair gaming, the casino has had its games certified for randomness by TST, an external firm which conducts audits of various online 赌场 使用 RTG 软件。


SlotoCash赌场为新玩家提供了一个欢迎奖金套餐,可以在他们的第一笔7,777存款上获得最高$ US5,这些存款可以在老虎机上下注。 对于在SlotoCash赌场进行前两笔存款的桌面游戏玩家,还可获得高达$ US1,000的额外优惠。 赌场为符合条件的游戏每下注$ US1提供补偿积分。 美国玩家可以通过信用卡存款,并通过银行电汇,支票和汇款取款。 SlotoCash客户支持每天可通过电话或电子邮件达到24小时。

SlotoCash Casino提供有趣的游戏

SlotoCash casino offers a wide variety of games, such as classic and video slots, video poker, table games and progressive jackpot slots. New games include slots such as High Fashion, Megasaur, Voodoo Magic and Wild Wizards. The casino offers a 通过手机捐款 版本,允许美国玩家在手机或平板电脑上访问他们的游戏。 移动赌场支持大多数 Android 和 iOS 设备,例如 iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4. For those who play on a PC, SlotoCash offers both a downloadable Windows 赌场以及基于 Flash 的即时游戏版本。[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”立即玩!” 样式=“平”颜色=“多汁粉红色”对齐=“中心”css_animation=“从上到下”链接=“ ||目标:%20_blank ”button_block=”true”][/vc_column][/vc_row]