
[vc_row css =”。vc_custom_1453217339571 {padding-top:50px!important; padding-bottom:50px!important;}“] [vc_column width =” 2/3”] [vc_single_image image =” 484” img_size =” full”对齐=“中心”样式=“ vc_box_rounded” onclick =“ custom_link” img_link_target =“ _ blank”链接=“ http://www.lasvegasusa.eu/Remote/AidDownload.php?casinoID=235&gAID=48783&subGid=0&bannerID=0“]] [ / vc_column] [vc_column width =” 1/3”] [vc_custom_heading text =” Las Vegas USA Casino” font_container =” tag:h2 | font_size:36 | text_align:left | color:%23515151 | line_height:1.2“ google_fonts =” font_family:Istok%20Web%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic | font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”] [vc_column_text]bigstarbigstarbigstarbigstarbigstar业内优秀的 1星2星级3星级4星级5星级 (437 票,平均: 4.99 5出来的)


$ 14000奖金

网站: lasvegasusa.eu
软件: Microgaming的netentPlaytech的

客户支持: [email protected]
付款方法:  签证电子弯曲-32px签证弯曲,32pxUkash的-弯曲-32px贝宝弯曲,32pxNETELLER-弯曲-32px万事达卡弯曲,32px 和其他…[/ vc_column_text] [vc_btn title =“获得奖励!” style =“ flat” color =“ juicy-pink” align =“ center” css_animation =“ top-to-bottom”链接=“ URL:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lasvegasusa.eu%2FRemote%2FAidDownload.php%3FcasinoID %3D235%26gAID%3D48783%26subGid%3D0%26bannerID%3D0 || target:%20_blank” button_block =“ true”] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row] [vc_row] [vc_column width =“ 1/4”] [vc_single_image图片=“ 501” img_size =“ 203×202”样式=“ vc_box_rounded” onclick =“ link_image”] [vc_single_image图片=” 500” img_size =“ 203×202”样式=“ vc_box_rounded” onclick =“ link_image”] [vc_single_image图片=“ 499” img_size =“ 203×202”样式=“ vc_box_rounded” onclick =“ link_image”] [/ vc_column] [vc_column width =” 3/4”] [vc_column_text]


美国拉斯维加斯 赌场 is an online casino that was launched in 1999. The casino is licensed to provide online gambling services by the government of Curacao. They use WGS Technology software (formerly known as Vegas Technology) to power their 游戏。 美国拉斯维加斯赌场使用 SSL 加密,以确保玩家进行的所有游戏和财务交易始终保留。 他们的游戏由独立游戏专家 Charles Mousseau 学士定期进行公平性审核,并根据审核结果授予他们“公平游戏认证”印章。


Players who deposit by credit card can claim bonuses of up to $US14000 on their first three deposits with the casino. The casino also gives existing players weekly bonuses and other special promotions. US players can make deposits at the casino by credit card or Quick Cash. They can make withdrawals by check, wire transfer and UnionPay debit card. The casino’s support is available around the clock and can be contacted by phone or by email. Las Vegas USA has recently added a 通过手机捐款 可以在大多数平板电脑和智能手机上玩的赌场。


Las Vegas USA casino offers hundreds of different games to its players. Their most popular games are the slots, like Cash Grab, Fat Cat and Dragon Master. Las Vegas USA offers 3, 5 and 7-reel slots, classic table games, single hand, multi-hand and 100-hand video poker, as well as some specialty games like Poker Dice, Keno and Bingo Bucks, so there is a high chance that all players will find a game that they enjoy. When gambling at Las Vegas USA, players have the choice of either downloading the software to a Windows PC,或在浏览器中玩基于 Flash 的赌场。[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”立即玩!” 样式=“平”颜色=“多汁粉红色”对齐=“中心”css_animation=“从上到下”链接=“url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lasvegasusa.eu%2FRemote%2FAidDownload.php%3FcasinoID %3D235%26gAID%3D48783%26subGid%3D0%26bannerID%3D0||目标:%20_blank”button_block=”true”][/vc_column][/vc_row]